



Education; Reading; Natural Method; Freinet.


This work proposes to list aspects of the natural method, according to studies developed by the French pedagogue Célestin Freinet, especially in the context of teaching reading. This approach indicates the possibility of language teaching that respects children's experiences and contemplates working with art and culture in a broad perspective. Among the questions that permeated the construction of this article are: what do we mean by natural method? What are the Freinetian principles for thinking about teaching reading? How does the beginning of reading occur, in children, based on the studies developed by Freinet? In general terms, we identified that with the studies developed by Freinet, we can understand that, in the 21st century, it is essential to reflect on the organization of pedagogical work based on the principle that the child is an active being in cultural appropriation. She thinks, questions, builds hypotheses and problematizes; therefore, the teaching of reading and writing goes beyond a “technique”, given that the appropriation makes it possible to humanize the subjects and obtain an understanding of the world.


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How to Cite

Duarte Araújo Silva, F. (2022). O MÉTODO NATURAL E O ENSINO DA LEITURA: OLHARES A PARTIR DA ABORDAGEM FREINETIANA. Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (17). https://doi.org/10.47249/rba2022555



Received 2021-09-09
Accepted 2022-06-27
Published 2022-07-05