A brief history of the book The importance of reading: in three articles that complement each other, by Paulo Freire (1982)





Paulo Freire; History; Reading; Memory; Reading Congress of Brazil


In 2022, the book The importance of the act of reading: in three articles that are completed, by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, celebrates 40 years of its first publication, a significant landmark not only for the studies and practices of Literacy, as well for the History of Reading and History of Education in the country. Born from the joint of three fundamental articles of Freire, one of them elaborated in view of the 3° Reading Congress of Brazil (COLE-1981), this Freirian work presents undeniable pedagogical importance for the Education of the country. This article proposes a brief analytical look at issues related to the history and materiality of the editions of the book and is based on the studies of Roger Chartier and other researchers representing the theoretical perspective of French Cultural History.


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How to Cite

de Souza Oliveira, L. (2022). A brief history of the book The importance of reading: in three articles that complement each other, by Paulo Freire (1982). Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (18). https://doi.org/10.47249/rba2022601



Received 2022-04-05
Accepted 2022-12-14
Published 2022-12-31