
  • Poliana Bruno Zuin Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Luís Fernando Soares Zuin Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Isadora Pascoalino Mariotto Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Children's literature, Literacy


This article aims to bring some theoretical and practical reflections on the appropriation of the mother tongue through literacy practices and the process of literacy with the main mediating object being Children's Literature. Understanding language as a constitutive activity, the discussions proposed on the literacy theme are based on Bakhtin's Philosophy of Language, on the Historical- Cultural perspective of Vygotsky, Luria and Leontiev and on the methodology of Paulo Freire. To this end, we seek to bring some data from research completed as a research professor in a Postgraduate Program. Data were collected from a Child Education room and a Literacy room, in addition to the PNAIC project itself. The data show how much children's literature provides for the appropriation of different languages ​​in children, making learning to read and write meaningful in the literacy process.


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How to Cite

Bruno Zuin, P., Zuin, L. F. S. ., & Mariotto, I. P. . (2022). LITERATURA INFANTIL COMO OBJETO MEDIADOR DAS PRÁTICAS DE LETRAMENTO E DO PROCESSO DE ALFABETIZAÇÃO. Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (17).



Received 2022-06-27
Accepted 2022-06-27
Published 2022-07-05