Literatura infantil; Títulos de livros; Paratextos; Leitura; Formação de leitoresAbstract
The aims of this paper is to analyze the choice of titles for children's literary works O livro que lê gente, by Alexandre da Costa Gomes, Quem soltou o Pum?, by Blandina Franco, e A avó Amarela, by Júlia Medeiros. It is assumed that the semantic estrangement caused by these titles provokes the reader's interaction, leading him to elaborate hypotheses about the content of the works and, later, inviting him to carry out the reading. For this analysis, three aspects will be considered: a) the title as a paratextual element; b) the title as a gateway to the narrative; c) the connections between the title and the main text. The theoretical basis is composed, among others, by Genette (1986), Chevalier and Gheerbrant (2009) and Ramos (2011). The analysis of the titles of children's literary works revealed the importance of choices related to the literary universe and how much the author's and/or editor's decisions imply in the reading process and, in a certain way, in the formation of readers. Furthermore, it was observed that it is essential to always take into account both the power of words and their interpretative possibilities, as well as the semantic games that the field of literature embraces with so much coherence.
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Accepted 2025-01-06
Published 2025-01-08