Historical Effects on Deaf Education in Brazil: Language Conception

Language Conception





Keywords: conception of language, language, sign language, deaf, education, politics, communication.


This article presents reflections on the concepts of language developed historically, from "language as the representation of thought", to "language as a communication instrument" and the concept of "language as an interaction process (discursive activity)” with the aim of identifying educational and political aspects that influenced the education of deaf people through these conceptions. Language as an expression of thought from the Greek grammatical tradition until the 20th century, did not favor the recognition of sign language and an oral education was developed, as it was thought that the deaf needed to practice oralization so that their thinking did not was also deficient. The concept of language (language) as a communication tool (from Saussure, 1916), when it disregards sign language, because it does not obtain a standard, strengthens the teaching of Portuguese for the deaf as a linguistic code, however, with the development the linguistic structure of Libras (code) and research in neurolinguistics on sign language, also strengthened the linguistic recognition of Libras. Therefore, the conception of language(gem) as an interaction process, based on psychological (Vygotsky) and linguistic (Bakhtin) studies, contributed to the social and cultural strengthening of the deaf and the implementation of a bilingual educational policy.


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How to Cite

Rocha, R., & Silva, D. M. da. (2021). Historical Effects on Deaf Education in Brazil: Language Conception: Language Conception. Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (15), 150–162. https://doi.org/10.47249/rba2021515



Received 2021-06-07
Accepted 2021-09-27
Published 2021-12-09