For an anti-racist literary education, “Reinações de Narizinho” in new editions



  • Paulo AIlton Ferreira da Rosa Junior Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Educação antirracista, Educação literária, Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, Monteiro Lobato


At the center of contemporary debates around the work of Monteiro Lobato is the argument of racial prejudice expressed in his texts, especially the ones that compose the cycle of “Sítio do Picapau Amarelo”. A movement by many authors advances in defense of the rewriting of these texts, proposing rereadings and adaptations that retell e rework these narratives, removing excerpts that nowadays we understand as racists and even characters that are in the protagonism of those. Given this, the aim of this article is to demonstrate how a critical reading of the full text of “Reinações de Narizinho” can be much more effective in the realization of an antiracist education than the erasure of these indications, that may result in a forgetfulness of the continuity and the diffusion of this type of violence in our society and restricting opportunities of debate around it.


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How to Cite

Ferreira da Rosa Junior, P. A. (2022). For an anti-racist literary education, “Reinações de Narizinho” in new editions: "REINAÇÕES DE NARIZINHO" EM NOVAS EDIÇÕES. Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (18).



Received 2021-12-27
Accepted 2022-12-14
Published 2022-12-31