
  • Lara Maria Aquino Marques Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Keli Alves da Silva
  • Joana D'arc Tavares da Cunha




Children's literature. Fantasy. Creation.


"Now it was inevitable that the make-believe would end like this. 'Beyond' this backyard, it was a night that has no end." The song "João e Maria" by singer Chico Buarque lyrically expresses the transition from childhood to adulthood. In this present work, we present the journey of children's literature and its correlation with fantasy through a bibliographical research, aiming to examine the extensive process of childhood, from its conception to its abandonment. We focus on the role of fantasy through creation and imagination, on schooling and its impacts on children's and young adult literature, and we unveil new perspectives for and the transition to adolescence. The results suggest that, despite the potent space for creation in childhood, there is a process of institutionalizing children's literature through schooling, transforming this enjoyable activity into a tedious task that sometimes inhibits interest in reading.


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How to Cite

Aquino Marques, L. M., Alves da Silva, K., & Tavares da Cunha, J. D. (2025). A LITERATURA INFANTIL NO CONTEXTO ESCOLAR: O PAPEL DA LEITURA E DA FANTASIA NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DA CRIANÇA. Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (23), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.47249/rba2025875



Dossiê "Infância, literatura e escola"
Received 2024-01-08
Accepted 2024-09-24
Published 2025-01-31