


Literacy, textbook, reading, teacher training, teaching practice


At the beginning of this century, during a time of paradigmatic changes in the field of literacy and Portuguese language teaching, the collection Português: uma proposta para o letramento, authored by Professor Magda Soares, was approved in three editions of the PNLD (2004, 2007, 2010) aimed at the early years of elementary education. It was also widely adopted by teachers in public schools across different states of our country. In this article, we will present data from a research study that sought to understand the conceptions of teachers and teacher training that underpinned the aforementioned work, as well as the proposals for reading instruction contained within it, aiming to perceive the importance of the collection in the development of reading and writing teaching practices from a literacy perspective.


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Author Biography

Priscila Angelina Silva da Costa Santos, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

Language Professor at the Catholic University of Pernmbuco and Pedagogical Technician at the City Hall of Recife working in Hospital Class Management


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How to Cite

Brito Ferreira, A. T., Borges Correia de Albuquerque, E., & Silva da Costa Santos, P. A. (2023). CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE COLLECTION “PORTUGUÊS: UMA PROPOSTA PARA O LETRAMENTO” IN TEACHER EDUCATION AND PRACTICES. Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (20), 1–20.
Received 2023-07-21
Accepted 2023-08-28
Published 2023-09-07