The use of thinking routines for engagement and understanding in O menino no espelho in the elementary school




Aprendizagem visível, ensino de literatura, compreensão, Rotinas de pensamento


This article proposes the use of thinking routines for a better understanding of literature and engagement in these classes, using O menino no espelho by Fernando Sabino, and thus make the learning process visible to teachers and students, making the school promote environments that interact with current times. To this end, it will develop practices that work with thinking moves in order to develop processes that involve literature based on the reading/listening axes of the Portuguese language as discipline. These practices will take place, above all, through Thinking Routines, which are simple structures that instigate and motivate students to think in a way that is visible to the self and to/with others, thus contributing to learning and its visibility.


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How to Cite

Scardua Ferreira, M. (2025). The use of thinking routines for engagement and understanding in O menino no espelho in the elementary school. Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (23).



Dossiê "Infância, literatura e escola"
Received 2023-11-14
Accepted 2024-08-19
Published 2025-01-31