



Alfabetização; linguagem; matemática; objeto de conhecimento; signos.


This article, of a theoretical nature, aims to bring together two objects of knowledge in literacy, letters and numbers, as both are signs and each of them belongs to a representation system. For this, studies were carried out in the area of ​​mathematics and language bringing their specificities, but approximations were also made considering the semiotic aspect that the signs present. The epistemological issue in the semiocognitive functioning of understanding objects of knowledge in mathematics is due to the fact that these objects are not tangible to perception, but ideal. Regarding the letter, points such as graphic representation and functional aspect are presented and then the organization of the principles of the alphabetic system whose basis is representation is discussed. The reflection on letter and number aims to portray teaching-learning.


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How to Cite

Zanelato dos Anjos, D. (2023). A COMPREENSÃO DAS LETRAS E DOS NÚMEROS: APROXIMAÇÕES ENTRE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA E MATEMÁTICA. Revista Brasileira De Alfabetização, (19), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.47249/rba2023661



Received 2022-12-08
Accepted 2023-06-05
Published 2023-06-30